Infrastructure Report Card

Dallas’s Able Pump Station was recognized for engineering excellence and covered in the Infrastructure Report Card.

Richmond Times-Dispatch

March 24, 2023 The Richmond Times-Dispatch covered the tour stop at Main Street Station Shed to boost attention of infrastructure projects. “Main Street Station highlighted in national tour” Read more.

Long Beach Press-Telegram

November 28, 2022 Coverage in the Long Beach Press-Telegram: “Engineers gather at the Port of Long Beach to hail an often unseen calling.” Read more.

Informed Infrastructure

August 2, 2022 Informed Infrastructure, the magazine for civil and structural engineers, covered the announcement of the Roadshow. Read more.

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Politico Weekly Transportation

August 1, 2022 Politico Transportation reported on the newly formed partnership between ACEC, ASCE, and APWA to host the Roadshow. Read more.

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