The Roadshow will celebrate the Clear Creek Canyon Park Gateway Segment project in Golden, Colo.

Fun Facts Courtesy of Jefferson County Open Space
- This segment of the Peaks to Plains Trail includes approximately 22,140 square feet of sidewalk and 47,520 feet (9 miles) of cable on the pedestrian railing.
- The amount of dirt transported to and from the project site could fill 15 Olympic-sized swimming pools.
- 5,280 feet of railing was installed in the Mouth of the Canyon, a true mile-high project.
- Many of the walls on this project were constructed with Redi-Rock Blocks which are a lot like gigantic Legos. In total the project used about 5,254 of these blocks.
Learn More About the Project
- Watch video about Clear Creek Canyon Park Gateway Segment Project
- Read news release about Muller Engineering Company being awarded Engineering Excellence Award for the Clear Creek Canyon Park, Gateway Segment Project
- Read more about Clear Creek Canyon Park from Jefferson County Open Space (including project facts and details)